Through the solution of temporary work, we help your company effectively seek employees for any period you need.

Temporary work is a solution allowing not only for the recruitment of employees but also their employment for a fixed term. This form of employment nets many advantages, including great flexibility of such co-operation.

Over 18 months, one can sign any number of temporary work contracts or civil law contracts (commissions). Cooperation under the temporary work model is tripartite, involving a temporary work agency, the user’s employer and the temporary worker.

Grafton Recruitment has been providing temporary work services for almost 30 years. We’re answering the demand for temporary workers for over 40 clients each year. We have offices in Poland’s largest cities but operate across the entire country.

Temporary work


When could your company need a temporary worker?

Temporary work proves particularly useful in the case of short and long-term replacements, for situations such as holiday leaves, longer medical leaves or maternal leaves.

It’s also a good solution for organizations with no open vacancies, who can utilize external employment instead. The additional support isn’t accounted for in the employee list and the service is invoiced instead.

The temporary workers will prove especially useful at a time of increased workload, during internships or with project-specific tasks.

temporary work process
Benefits of utilizing temporary work

There are many advantages of implementing temporary work. A temporary work agency takes over tasks concerning payroll and management of employee documentation, easing the workload of the internal HR department.

The notice period for a temporary work agreement is relatively short (up to 1 week), reducing the costs of terminating such contracts. The high flexibility of this form of employment is beneficial in situations where it’s difficult to predict the duration of demand for additional support.

At Grafton Recruitment, we have created a database of candidates open for substitutions, allowing for the quick acquisition of temporary workers in case of unexpected replacements. The temporary work department at Grafton employs specialists with many years of experience in the area of labor code, guaranteeing legal compliance and following well-proven procedures and standards.

temporary work
Temporary work with Grafton Recruitment

We’re specialized in recruitment for a wide spectrum of white-collar positions, ranging from assistants to management personnel. We can effectively find and employ workers for any period currently required by your organization. We also provide recruitment services, labor code counseling and payroll assistance.

We work in the areas of: Accounting, HR, Banking and Finance, Supply Chain and Commerce, Transport and Logistics, Call Center and Multilingual, Customer Service, Engineering, Industry, Production, Retail, Sales and marketing, Law, Administration, Medicine and Pharmaceuticals, Construction.

If you’re interested in another specialty, get in touch with us.


Scope of HR and payroll services

Onboarding Personnel Salaries Reports
Initial medical examinations Time sheets Calculating salaries Employment periods
Health and safety training Medical and holiday leaves Timely payment of salaries Employment periods
Personal documentation Monitoring expiration of health and safety documentation Annual tax declarations Salary breakdowns
  Certificates of employment and earnings Reimbursement of travel expenses  
  Staffing support Reimbursement of work expenses  

Full management of employee documentation at each stage of employment

Ask us about the possibilities open for your company and sector. We invite you to fill out the contact form below.